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2023 TI盃函數繪圖競賽報名正式開始~~~


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1. Objective:


In the spirit of STEAM, we aim to encourage middle school students to see the world through the eyes of mathematics. This activity will be done through drawing of functions using technology, combined with student’s artistic ideas. The goal is to stimulate students' creativity and while promoting mathematics education through technology.

2. Organization Involved:

(一) 主辦單位:台灣數學教育學會
(二) 協辦單位:廣天國際有限公司、爿爿花股份有限公司
(三) 支持單位:Texas Instruments Southeast Asia Pte Ltd.

(1) Hosted by:Taiwan Association for Mathematics Education
(2) Organizer:Kuang-Tien International Co., Ltd., Panpanhua CO., Ltd
(3) Supported by:Texas Instruments Southeast Asia Pte. Ltd.

3. Important Details:

      金獎(一名) 獎金或禮卷一萬元 + TI-nspire CAS CX II一台 + TI獎狀一紙+台灣數學教育學會獎狀一紙
      銀獎(一名) TI-nspire CAS CX II一台 + TI獎狀一紙+台灣數學教育學會獎狀一紙
      銅獎(一名) TI-nspire CX II 一台  + TI獎狀一紙+台灣數學教育學會獎狀一紙
      佳作(五名) TI獎狀一紙+台灣數學教育學會獎狀一紙

(1) Period:From now to 5pm, March 31st, 2023
(2) Submission:Submit your entry to this URL < https://reurl.cc/AyrGxY >
(3) Prizes:The competition prizes are shown in the table below.

Gold Award(One Winner) <NT$10,000 + One TI-Nspire CX II CAS + 1 TI certificate + 1 Taiwan Association for Mathematics Education certificate>
Silver Award( One Winner) <One TI-Nspire CX II CAS + 1 TI certificate+ 1 Taiwan Association for Mathematics Education certificate>
Bronze Award(One Winner) <One TI-Nspire CX II + 1 TI certificate+ 1 Taiwan Association for Mathematics Education certificate>
Excellence Award(Five Winners) <1 TI certificate+ 1 Taiwan Association for Mathematics Education certificate>

4. Other Information:

(一)TI-Nspire CX II CAS 學生版軟體30天試用版與操作手冊可以於下面下載:<https://reurl.cc/eWeQ1x> 或 <https://reurl.cc/GX9gzD>
(三)2021 TI盃函數繪圖競賽成果展示:< https://reurl.cc/EpeOgK

(四)2022 TI盃函數繪圖競賽成果展示:<https://reurl.cc/eW2jrM>

(1)The 30-day trial version and operation manual of TI-Nspire CX II CAS Student Edition software can be  downloaded below: <https://reurl.cc/eWeQ1x> or <https://reurl.cc/GX9gzD>
(2)The rule of competiton can be refered as the following link. <https://reurl.cc/rZmo9x>
(3)The result of 2021 TI Graphic Design Competition can be referred as the following link. <https://reurl.cc/EpeOgK >


(4)The result of 2022 TI Graphic Design Competition can be referred as the following link. <https://reurl.cc/eW2jrM>


5. Instruction for Participants: This competition is for all middle school students in Taiwan (including students in junior high schools, high schools, international or public and private high schools).
(Students in grades 7-12 who are still studying before June 2023)

陸、聯絡方式:請於上班時間電洽(02)23822027 ext 14 蕭小姐或email到support@calculator.com.tw

6. Contact Information:  Please call +886-2-23822027 ext 14 Helen in office hours or email to support@calculator.com.tw

Note: This system need to upload the your file.  Please finish your artwork first before registering in this system.  Thanks.

Note1:  After finishing the form, the system will automatically send a copy to the following email address.
備註2:台灣傳統馬約利卡彩磚參考資料 <https://reurl.cc/nZ3QbD>
Note2: The reference about Taiwan traditional majolica tile <https://reurl.cc/nZ3QbD>
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