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IB Physics(物理) 實驗相關產品

分類主題:課程綱要適用範圍:IB Physics



Core 核心課程
Topic 主標題 Sub-Topic 子標題 Vernier Lab Book Vernier實驗手冊 Experiment # 實驗 #
1. Measurements and uncertainties
1. 測量與不確定性
1.2 Uncertainties and errors
1.2 不確定性與誤差
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Mechanics #2 Error Analysis
2. Mechanics
2. 力學
2.1 Motion
2.1 運動
Physics with Vernier #1 Graph Matching
Physics with Vernier #6 Ball Toss
Physics with Vernier #4 Determining g on an Incline
2.2 Forces
2.2 力
Physics with Vernier #10 Atwood's Machine
Physics with Vernier #13 Air Resistance
Physics with Vernier #12 Static and Kinetic Friction
2.3 Work, energy and power
2.3 功、能量、功率
Physics with Vernier #16 Energy of a Tossed Ball
2.4 Momentum and impulse
2.4 動量與衝量
Physics with Vernier #19 Impulse and Momentum
Physics with Vernier #18 Momentum, Energy, and Collisions
3. Thermal physics
3. 熱力學
3.1 Thermal concepts
3.1 熱學概念
Chemistry with Vernier #1 Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions
Chemistry with Vernier #2 Freezing and Melting of Water
Chemistry with Vernier #9 Evaporation and Intermolecular Attractions
3.2 Modeling a gas
3.2 模擬氣體
Chemistry with Vernier #6 Boyle's Law: Pressure-Volume Relationship in Gases
Chemistry with Vernier #7 Pressure-Temperature Relationship in Gases
4. Waves
4. 波
4.1 Oscillations
4.1 振動
Physics with Vernier #15 Simple Harmonic Motion
Physics with Vernier #17 Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion
4.2 Travelling waves
4.2 波的傳遞
Physics with Vernier #33 Speed of Sound
Physics with Video Analysis #19 Slinky Wave Speeds
4.3 Wave characteristics
4.3 波的特性
Physics with Vernier #29 Light, Brightness, and Distance
4.4 Wave behavior
4.4 波的行為
Physics with Vernier #28A Polarization of Light
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Beyond Mechanics #19 Interference
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Beyond Mechanics #20 Diffraction
4.5 Standing waves
4.5 駐波
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Beyond Mechanics #3 Standing Waves on a String
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Beyond Mechanics #4 Standing Waves in a Column of Air
5. Electricity and magnetism
5. 電磁學
5.1 Electric fields
5.1 電場
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Beyond Mechanics #8 Mapping Electric Potential
5.2 Heating effect of electric currents
5.2 電流的加熱效應
Physics with Vernier #22 Ohm's Law
Physics with Vernier #23 Series and Parallel Circuits
Physics Explorations and Projects #34 Heat as Energy Transfer
5.3 Electric cells
5.3 電池
Physics Explorations and Projects #22 Battery Challenge
5.4 Magnetic effects of electric currents
5.4 電流的磁效應
Physics with Vernier #25 The Magnetic Field in a Coil
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Beyond Mechanics #12 Faraday’s Law: Alternating Current
6. Circular motion and gravitation
6. 圓周運動與重力
6.1 Circular motion
6.1 圓周運動
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Mechanics #13 Rotational Dynamics
Physics with Vernier #20 Centripetal Accelerations on a Turntable
7. Atomic, nuclear and particle physics
7. 原子、原子核與粒子物理學
7.1 Discrete energy and radioactivity
7.1 離散能量與輻射
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Beyond Mechanics #21 Spectrum of Atomic Hydrogen
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Beyond Mechanics #22 Planck’s Constant
8. Energy production
8. 能源產出
8.1 Energy sources
8.1 能源來源
Renewable Energy with Vernier #3 Project: Energy Audit
Additional Higher Level (AHL) 額外高階課程
9. Wave phenomena
9. 波動現象
9.1 Simple harmonic motion
9.1 簡諧運動
Physics with Vernier #15 Simple Harmonic Motion
Physics with Vernier #17 Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Mechanics #17 Pendulum Periods
9.2 Single-slit diffraction
9.2 單狹縫繞射
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Beyond Mechanics #20 Diffraction
9.3 Interference
9.3 干涉
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Beyond Mechanics #19 Interference
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Beyond Mechanics #20 Diffraction
9.5 Doppler effect
9.5 都卜勒效應
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Beyond Mechanics #5 Doppler Effect
10. Fields
10. 場
10.1 Describing fields
10.1 場的描述
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Beyond Mechanics #8 Mapping Electric Potential
11. Electromagnetic induction
11. 電磁感應
11.1 Electromagnetic induction
11.1 電磁感應
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Beyond Mechanics #11 Faraday’s Law: Moving Magnet
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Beyond Mechanics #12 Faraday’s Law: Alternating Current
Physics with Vernier #25 The Magnetic Field in a Coil
11.2 Power generation and transmission
11.2 發電與傳輸
Physics with Vernier #27 Electrical Energy
11.3 Capacitance
11.3 電容
Physics with Vernier #24 Capacitors
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Beyond Mechanics #13 Capacitors and Inductors
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Beyond Mechanics #14 RLC Circuits
12. Quantum and nuclear physics
12. 量子與核物理學
12.1 The interaction of matter with radiation
12.1 物質與輻射的相互作用
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Beyond Mechanics #22 Planck’s Constant
Options (選修課程)
B. Engineering physics
B. 工程物理學
B.1 Rigid bodies and rotational dynamics
B.1 剛體與旋轉動力學
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Mechanics #13 Rotational Dynamics
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Mechanics #14 Conservation of Angular Momentum
Physics with Vernier #20 Centripetal Accelerations on a Turntable
C. Imaging
C. 呈像學
C.1 Introduction to imaging
C.1 呈像介紹
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Beyond Mechanics #15 Curved Mirrors and Images
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Beyond Mechanics #16 Thin Lenses and Real Images
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Beyond Mechanics #17 Thin Lenses and Virtual Images
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Beyond Mechanics #18 Aperture and Depth of Field
Prescribed Practicals(規定的練習)
2.1 Motion
2.1 運動學
Determining the acceleration of free-fall
Physics with Vernier #5 Picket Fence Free Fall
3.1 Thermal concepts
3.1 熱力學概念
Applying the calorimetric techniques of specific heat capacity or specific latent heat
Chemistry with Vernier #4 Heat of Fusion for Ice
3.2 Modeling a gas
3.2 模擬氣體
Investigating at least one gas law
Chemistry with Vernier #6 Boyle's Law: Pressure-Volume Relationship in Gases
Chemistry with Vernier #7 Pressure-Temperature Relationship in Gases
4.2 Travelling waves
4.2 波的行進
Investigating the speed of sound
Physics with Vernier #33 Speed of Sound
5.2 Heating effect of electric currents
5.2 電流的熱效應
Investigating one or more of the factors that affect resistance
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Beyond Mechanics #9 Factors Affecting Electrical Resistance
9.3 Interference
9.3 干涉
Investigating Young’s double-slit (Higher Level)
Advanced Physics with Vernier — Beyond Mechanics #19 Interference


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